New Earswick Parish Council
Minutes of the Meeting
17 January 2022
Business Commenced at 19.00 hours

Attending Councillors:  Sue Glenton (Chairman)                                (SG)
                                         Christine Cooke                                             (CC)
                                         Christine Durrant                                            (CD)
                                         Roy Love                                                        (RL)
                                         Yvonne Orton                                                 (YO)
                                         Carol Runciman                                              (CR)
                                         Audrey Steel                                                   (AS)

Apologies:                      Darren Newton                                                (DN)

Visitor:                            Community Officer (COYC)                             (TW)
Clerk/Minute Taker:       Sally Bruckshaw                                              (SB)

22.01.01       Notices of the meeting, Receipt of Apologies and Approving Reasons for    

The notices of the meeting had been posted on the Parish notice board, web site and COYC web site.  The reason for absence was approved.

22.01.02       To Receive Declarations of Interest on any Items on the Agenda

None received.

22.01.03       To Receive Reports on Police Matters

Police reports for November and December were received.  It was noted that incidents that had been reported to the Police were not included in the reports.  It was confirmed that Zoe Metcalfe had been elected as the new Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner.

22.01.04       To Approve the Minutes of the Meeting held on 15 November, 2021

The minutes of the previous meeting were approved as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.




22.01.05        COYC - Community Officer

Tim Waudby, Community Officer at COYC was welcomed to the meeting.  He gave  comprehensive background to the work that he was involved with that was very helpful to Members of the Parish Council.  It was agreed that COYC should be invited to the next meeting at New Lodge, where there had been considerable problems with anti-social behaviour.

22.01.06       Membership of the Council – Co-option to Casual Vacancies

Two vacancies remained.

22.01.07       To Consider Any Matters Arising from the Minutes of the Previous

Provision of additional CCTV cameras near the swimming pool.  Members were notified that NERF had provided the funding.  It was felt that a maintenance scheme for the cameras should be in place which could receive possible financial support.

22.01.08       To Receive Correspondence Since the Previous Meeting Other Than That
                     Circulated for Information

18.11.21 - COYC – Licensing Act – Notification of review of licensing policy.
13.12.21 - YLCA – Northern Powergrid update on storm compensation claims.
7.1.22 – YLCA – Details of the remote conference (25.3.22) had been received – YO had attended previously.
10.1.22 -   YLCA – Communication with Council Members – SB notifies direct to Members.
17.1.22 – YLCA – Additional information relating to The Queen’s Platinum Jubilee had been circulated.  SB to contact the Primary School and an item was to be included on the next meeting agenda.

22.01.09       Update from the Finance Committee Meeting held on 5 January, 2022

CR gave an update on the items considered, several of which were to be approved at this meeting.  It was noted that an amendment had been made to the Financial Regulations under Budgetary Control, to permit the Clerk to incur expenditure up to £500, in view of the experience of the Covid situation.  The annual membership to the Society of Local Council Clerks was also recommended.

22.01.10      Precept 2022-23

A draft budget had been discussed at the Finance Committee and circulated to all Members.

RESOLVED That the precept for the financial year 2022-23 should be set at £28,000.00.




22.01.11      Grant Applications (Section 137)

New Earswick Cricket Club

This application was for a two lane all weather cricket net.  A grant for £1900.00 had previously been awarded to the Sports Club for ball stop net repairs in the current financial year.  It was agreed that the Cricket Club should be supported due the success of the schemes which were being developed.

RESOLVED: That £3000 be awarded towards the approximate cost of £35,000 for the installation of an all weather cricket net.

All Saints and St Andrew’s Church

Legal advice had been sought from YLCA who had further queried the legal aspects with NALC.  It was confirmed that the Parish Council could not offer support to the church for this project.  In view of the wider outreach objectives of the scheme, a representative was to be invited to the next meeting.

22.01.12       Environmental Matters

A  Replacement of benches (1 near Joseph Rowntree School and 2 on Willow Bank).  Members were notified that the old benches had been removed for safety reasons due to the corrosion of the base supports.  The new benches were currently on order and would be installed by COYC as soon as they were delivered.

B  Request from resident for barrier on footpath leading to Station Avenue.  Members understood the concerns of the resident.  However, it was agreed that there were several similar paths in the Parish and that barriers could make access difficult for some users.

C  Provision of lighting around the MUGA – The lights were still not operational during the times that had been notified. SG to raise with JRHT again.

22.01.13       Planning Consultation

A  21/02684/TCA – 62 Chestnut Grove, New Earswick YO32 4BU.

Fell 1 no. purple leafed plum and 1 no. cherry tree in a Conservation Area.

Members of the General Purposes and Planning Committee had been consulted on this application during the Christmas period.  Members had no objection. Response B. 

B  Update on earlier consultation relating to security fencing at the Folk Hall.  Members had made a site visit on 18.11.21 due to the concerns raised about the emergency exit.  They had registered their views with COYC and the application had now been approved.





22.01.14    To Approve the Payments Listed Below

 A YLCA (Member Training)                                                        60.00 (9.12.21)
 B JR Foundation (Room Hire)                                                  786.00 (9.12.21)
 C  Autela Payroll Services                                                          50.40 (9.12.21)
 D  HMRC                                                                                  533.24 (20.12.21)
 E  Salary (December)                                                               662.05 (20.12.21)
 F  Petty Cash                                                                              50.00 (20.12.21)
 G  Society of Local Council Clerks                                           144.00 (5.1.22)
 H  Pinnacle Web Design                                                           176.40 (5.1.22)
 I    Salary (January)                                                                   662.05 (20.1.22)

RESOLVED That the above payments be accepted.  It was agreed that the annual subscriptions to CPRE and the River Foss Society should be made.

The quarterly statement and bank reconciliation to the end of December had been circulated.  CD had carried out a finance check on the accounts on 15.12.21. 

22.01.15    Update on Attendance at YLCA Member Training

YO had attended the training organised by YLCA for new Members and had found this helpful.   CC was booked on the same course in March.

22.01.16     Items for the Next Meeting

Invitation to a representative from St Andrew’s Church.
Parking outside the University Sports Ground.
Update from Member on recycling projects.
The Queen’s Platinum Jubilee Celebrations.
Ofcom review of postal regulations (information circulated by YLCA).

There being no further business, the meeting closed at 20.05 hours.


Signed _____________________ Chairman, 21 February, 2022